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Wuerzburg, 03-Feb-93
ReqASK 1.0
English Documentation
ReqASK (and all files related to it) are Copyright 1993 by Marc Heuler,
all rights reserved. This program is Shareware. If you like it and use it
a lot, please pay the Shareware fee of 10.- DM (or $7 US).
You may freely distribute ReqASK by these conditions:
· Don't take *anything* for copying, except the cost of the media
· Do not change any of the files related to this program
· Distribute all related files at once, packed into one archive
· German PD-Serials are not allowed to distribute this program
· Fred Fish with his famous software library does *not* have to
care about all these conditions.
This program is "AS IS", which means you use it at your *own* risk.
There's no warranty at all. However, we've tested it a lot and think it's
Many thanks to Michael Herold, who helped me both beta-testing the
program and creating the AmigaGuide documentation.
What is ReqASK?
ReqASK is a powerful mouse-driven replacement for the shell command ASK.
It's supposed to prompt the user with several choices. According to the
result, a certain action can be taken. Unlike similar programs, ReqASK
gives you a large palette of features to customize to fit your needs.
This program supports and requires Kickstart 2.04 (v37) or higher. It
also requires "reqtools.library" (by Nico François) v38 or higher, which is
available by FD (for example on Fish-Disk 794).
ReqASK is a CLI/Shell tool, therefore it doesn't make real sense to start
it from Workbench.
This is the body text of your requester. If you leave out this
option, all others will be ignored and an About requester will be
You may use all common control sequences in this string, such as
*N for a new line, or *" for quotes. Look up your AmigaDOS manual
for more detailed information.
This option is used to define the gadgets' texts. Separate
several choices by the "|" sign. Examples are "Yes|No", or
possibly "Yes|Maybe|No". Maximum number of choices is 100.
If you like your requester keyboard-controllable, use underscores
to indicate the corresponding keys to press ("_Yes|_Maybe|_No").
Please note that the requester cannot be put up, if you don't
specify minimum one of the options GADGET, IDCMP, and TIMEOUT. You
won't be able to answer such a requester, therefore it doesn't pop
This is the requester's title. If you don't specify this option,
the title will be either "Information" (if less than 2 gadgets), or
"Request" (two or more choices).
Specify an environment variable here. The result of the
requester will be stored in the variable. The default result
variable is called "REQASK".
If you specify this keyword, the result variable will be global
(not limited to the current process).
This is one of the main features of ReqASK. You may specify a
timelimit after which the requester will automatically close (if
the user didn't select any choice already). The unit is seconds.
Please note that the requester cannot be put up, if you don't
specify minimum one of the options GADGET, IDCMP, and TIMEOUT. You
won't be able to answer such a requester, therefore it doesn't pop
Name of a public screen to open the requester on. If you don't
specify this option, the requester will open on your Default Public
Screen. Usually this is the Workbench screen.
If you set this option to "YES" or "ON", the screen on which the
requester opens will pop to front. After the user made his/her
selection, the screen will go back saftely to where it was before.
To disable this option, select "NO" or "OFF".
If you don't use this keyword at all, the default behaviour
configured in reqtools' preferences editor will take place.
ReqASK automatically centers the body text of your requester. If
you don't like this, disable it by mentioning this keyword.
If you have several gadgets in your requester, the leftmost is
handled as 'positive' - as default response. It is selected by
simply pressing the Return key. To have another (not leftmost)
gadget be the default response, specify the gadget's number here.
The default response will be rendered in bold letters.
Your requester normally uses the screen font for rendering all
texts. To use another font, simply state the fontname and the
desired size. For example FONT="courier.font 13" will result in
using the courier font, size 13. Note to surround font name and
size with quotes.
Like the SCREENTOFRONT option before, leaving out this option
will lead to behave like configured in reqtools' preferences
editor. Use this option to change the default behaviour of your
requester. You may specify one of the following possibilities:
POINTER The requester will pop up at the
current mouse position
CENTERSCREEN The requester will be centered in
the visible part of your screen
TOPLEFTSCREEN The requester will appear at the
top left edge of the visible part
of your screen
If you specified a certain requester position (other than
POINTER), you may set a horizontal offset to that position. If
you don't specify it, the default out of the reqtools' preferences
editor will be used.
If you specified a certain requester position (other than
POINTER), you may set a vertical offset to that position. If you
don't specify it, the default out of the reqtools' preferences
editor will be used.
If you don't want your requester to be answerable with the Return
key, specify this option.
For functions which may cause serious damages you might wish to
disable the abbreviated selection of choices. Set this keyword to
disable these. You then have to press the left Amiga key along
with "B" or "V" for positive or negative selection.
This is another wonderful feature of ReqASK. You may specify
certain IDCMP flags which cause the requester to end automatically.
You can choose one or more of these IDCMP flags:
DISKINSERTED A disk was inserted into any drive
DISKREMOVED A disk was taken out of any drive
INACTIVEWINDOW The requester window got deactivated
Please note that the requester cannot be put up, if you don't
specify minimum one of the options GADGET, IDCMP, and TIMEOUT. You
won't be able to answer such a requester, therefore it doesn't pop
If you start requesters from background processes, you might wish
be to notified about a requester. To DisplayBeep() when the
requester pops up, specify this option.
ReqASK Result
The result of ReqASK is split into two parts. One is the CLI Returncode
which indicates success or failure of ReqASK. A Returncode of 0 means no
errors occured, while a Returncode of 20 states errors (normally along with
a more detailed error description to StdOut).
The second and more important part of the result (in case of no failures)
is the Result Variable holding information about which gadget the user did
choose. A value of 0 always indicates the right-most (FALSE) gadget, the
others are numbered from 1 to N, heading from left to right.
There are two special values. A result of 100 means, the user didn't
react on the requester until the timelimit expired, the value 101 indicates
the requester was closed by an IDCMP event.
NOTE: In case of an error (Returncode = 20) the result variable will not
be touched by the program.
Simply type these examples into your shell to see what happens:
ReqASK BODY="This requester reminds you*Nabout your Grandma's birthday" GADGET="_Okay" TITLE="Don't forget"
ReqASK BODY="Current system time is*N`Date`" TIME=10
ReqASK 1.0 03-Feb-93 First public release
Future enhancements
Only thing I plan to add to ReqASK so far is ARexx support. This is
useful when for example playing samples in conjunction with UPD while the
requester pops up.
On the other hand I think about expanding the series of ASK commands, for
example a very powerful FileASK, which asks you for files (via file
requester). Or ViewASK, which gives you a large amount of choices via a
listview gadget.
There are many small things to be done. If you like to see them, please
support my work by paying the Shareware fee.
Contacting the author
To send bug-reports, ideas, complaints, and of course your Shareware
registration fee of 10.- DM (or $7 US), contact me at:
UUCP eMail: marc@aargh.adsp.sub.org
ZNet eMail: marc%aargh.incubus@aworld.zer
Snail Mail: Marc Heuler
Stephan Str. 6
8700 Wuerzburg
Don't forget to pay the Shareware fee if you use ReqASK a lot!